Our sweet girl turned 6 months old yesterday. All I can say is "wow!"
It really does seem like just yesterday we were bringing her home at 2 days old. I know, I say all the time how time is flying, but it truly truly is!
Nyla is a ball of personality these days. She is smiling non-stop, laughing, sitting up well with a few occasional tumbles, finally likes playing on her belly, almost ready to crawl, has a fascination with her hands, loves touching faces when she's held, eats pretty well most days, sleeps good every night, takes great naps, loves to roll around, still loves her giraffe friend, loves to sit and listen while we read to her and loves playing in her exersaucer more each day. She is truly a blessing from our loving God!
I was reading In Case You Were Wondering by Max Lucado to her this morning. What a sweet, sweet children's book. I was bawling by the end of it. It is every emotion I feel with her everyday, just truly blessed to have been given her as a gift from God. He made her for us. Wow! It's powerful stuff. So thankful!
We go to the Pediatrician in about an hour and she gets more shots, which I hate. I'm all for vaccinating my child, but 6 shots in one visit? I wouldn't even do that to myself, let alone a baby. We are on a somewhat different shot schedule. We loosely follow Dr. Sears alternate vaccination schedule (can't find it on the web at this time), just because I don't want Nyla having 4-6 shots per visit, I like 3 at a time. I love our Pediatrician and the entire office. I'm so thankful for them. And they're open 7 days a week, a Doctor is always on call in the middle of the night and it's 5 minutes from our house. Big plus's all around! I do hate the shot parts though. I cry every time they give them to her. I have to pick her up immediately and comfort her and me and then we're better. It's tough to watch my baby be upset and in pain, but I feel it's best for her in the long run.
Here are some pictures from her 6 month photo shoot and a silly one with Daddy. Enjoy!

After dinner, laughing with Daddy. Sweet picture!

6 months old. Wow!

We love our sweet, happy girl!